
a static top-down shooter game with only three bullets


Unity, C#


Metanoïa was made at the Epic Game Jam in August 2023, in collaboration with Quentin Brechbühl, Léo Gaillard, Benjamin Vermot and Victor Vermot. I was responsible of the random static position and spawn of the environment elements of the map.


While camping in the middle of the forest, you hear a scary noise and the wind extinguishes your fire. Quick, grab your rifle ! Wait, is that a tree moving towards you ? Use your mouse to rotate your torchlight and try to find and shoot at the enemy disguised as an element of the scene.


▶️ link

📚 GitHub link


  • Include an enemy detection with light effects (e.g., sparkles) on 90% dark screen.
  • I personally wanted to add a “Paper Mario” effect for the main character when rotating left or right

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