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Working in a cognitive neuroscience lab involves doing research with real people, and when researchers are studying vision they need computerized tasks with accurate frame-by-frame displays.

The UFOV (Yung et al., 2015) is one of the tasks used at the lab to measure visuo-spatial attention. The task displays a stimulus during an n number of frame (e.g., for a screen at the refresh rate of 60Hz, displaying 60 frames per second, meaning one frame every 1/60 = 16.667ms). However, it appeared that when testing the task with a photodiode, the stimulus was always shown with one supplementary frame.

After debugging the draw loop of the task, how to test the task ‘frame-by-frame’ or at least in a precise manner?

I first watch this first guide to web performance where I got introduced with:

  • LCP, Largest Contentful Paint which is the Loading Time of the page which must be under 2.5sec. The video says that a bad LCP == a bad SEO and there are three methods to reduce this LCP time, first reduce assets size, second use a CDN, third avoid setTimeout(), fourth preload content.
  • FID, First Input Delay is Interactivity which must be under 100ms.
  • CLS, Cummulative Layout Shift which is Visual Stability and must be under 0.1. To enhance the user experience use img width & height and srcset.

I downloaded the Web Vitals Extension to check for FID, but the most important indicator for me was LCP. In a more extreme manner, I needed to get a display time of 16.667ms on a 60Hz monitor for the trials at n=1 frame. How did I do it? Watch my guide to the performance tab!